Churn is the word commonly used to describe the movement of people between public and private health insurance...
Health Law & Policy Updates
Click to access updates 2014 Health Law & Policy Updates 2013 Health Law & Policy Updates 2012 Health Law & Policy Updates We are still working hard to develop and upload content for this webpage. Thank you for your patience during this...
Letter: Connect for Health Colorado Proposed FY2015 Budget
Board of Directors Connect for Health Colorado 3773 Cherry Creek N Dr. Denver, CO 80209 RE: Connect for Health Colorado Proposed...
CEP 2: Marketplace and Medicaid eligibility
The Consumer Engagement Project is a coalition of four Colorado organizations that advocate for affordable, high...
CEP 1: Colorado’s assistance network provides essential services
The Consumer Engagement Project is a coalition of four Colorado organizations that advocate for...
After tax credits, many insurance plans in Garfield, Summit Counties are less expensive than those in Denver
Concerns have been raised about the price of health coverage offered through the Connect for Health Colorado insurance marketplace...
The Affordable Care Act and Colorado: Past, Present, and Future
Many Coloradans have questions about how health insurance will change under the health...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in Colorado Presentation
View CCLP's presentation on the Affordable Care Act's story in Colorado delivered...
The Affordable Care Act enhances economic security and reduces poverty for low-income Coloradans
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) reduces poverty and promotes economic security for thousands of...
Our Dollars, Our Health
Our Dollars, Our Health Colorado hospitals charge several times more than the estimated cost of providing quality care, according to analysis of recently released national data on hospital charges and Medicare payments. While the cost of hospital care is one of the...