This year, CCLP’s Family Economic Security team focused its attention on proposals intended to ease common problems that low-income tenants in Colorado encounter. We successfully pushed for renewal of a child care tax credit for workers earning less than $25,000 a...
Law lets child support actually support children
We all want to give Colorado’s children the best opportunity to achieve their full potential. Despite receiving Medicaid and food stamps for health and nutritional needs, a parent trying to support herself and her child on $364 a month likely struggles to maintain...
Help students educate themselves about private occupational schools
Under the best circumstances, private occupational schools offer students a chance to update their skills for today’s competitive job market. For those who struggle to pay their bills, these schools potentially offer better job opportunities, a new career ladder to a...
Senate Bill 98 is a win for landowners, communities and affordable housing
It’s no secret that there is a shortage of affordable housing across Colorado. While there appears to be some appetite for compromise at the state capitol this year, previous attempts to address the shortage fell short because of concerns about costs and the...
Legislative & Policy Preview 2017: Family Economic Security
During this year’s legislative session, CCLP’s Family Economic Security program will focus on expanding job opportunities and training for all Coloradans, renewing the Colorado Child Tax Credit for low-income workers, encouraging the development of more affordable...
Private occupational schools raise public concerns
Last month, the U.S Department of Education issued what would ultimately be a death sentence for ITT, a large for-profit technical school. The department forbade ITT from enrolling new students who depend on federal financial aid -- the main source of ITT’s revenue....
Adult education: The cornerstone of workforce development
There is nothing like a healthy economy to provide opportunities for those who might otherwise be overlooked in the job market. Yet, despite Colorado’s economic gains in recent years, employment and upward mobility remain challenging for those who don’t complete high...
Challenges and opportunities for forging pathways from homelessness
Jobseekers who experience homelessness find themselves in a frustrating Catch 22: They can’t afford a home because they don’t have a job and they can’t land a job because they don’t have a home. In metro Denver, over 30 percent of those experiencing homelessness have...
Could the U.B.I. ‘raise the floor’ for everyone?
The idea of a “guaranteed income” that would provide all citizens with enough money to meet their basic needs has garnered attention throughout the world and even within the United States recently. While the concept may sound new or radical, it’s worth noting that...
Tool measures income needs of older Coloradans
The Colorado Center on Law and Policy largely focuses its advocacy efforts on adults in their working years. But because of the increasingly important and varied roles older adults play in families, and the importance of saving money with retirement in mind, it is...