We are excited to release our 2017 grant guidelines. The MHC Grant Fund will offer small grants for effective, inclusive approaches to building healthy and prosperous transit-oriented communities and ensuring equity and opportunity for low-income communities,...
Climate Change, Equity, & Health
Denver Department of Environmental Health “Climate change is the greatest public health challenge of the 21st century”. [1] Over the past decade, rapid climate change has become the most defining concern of the 21st century. Global emissions of climate-altering...
Mile High Connects Awarded $1 Million From National SPARCC Initiative
DENVER, February 15, 2017 Mile High Connects today announced that Denver was selected to join the Strong, Prosperous, And Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC). SPARCC is a three-year, $90 million initiative that will bolster local groups and leaders in their...
Putting Resident Voice at the Center of Community Planning & Development
Mile High Connects has always put the needs of residents at the forefront of our work. As we have embarked on an ambitious agenda to increase private, philanthropic, and public capital for important community investments, we have maintained a commitment to finding...
MHC Steering Committee Seeking New Core Nonprofit Partners
What Are We Looking For in New Partners? As we prepare to embark upon development of a new four-year strategic plan, Mile High Connects is opening up this call for partners and is looking to invite two to three nonprofit organizations to newly join our Steering...
Equity, Race & Place
In 2016, I had the opportunity to visit four different cities throughout the U.S. as a fellow for the The Funders' Network PLACES Fellowship. I was fortunate to join a diverse cohort of social justice and philanthropic practitioners from a variety of foundations and...
Moving Forward
On November 9th, I awoke and did not want to get out of bed. To be honest, with several weeks passing, I am only now beginning to be able to process the news without a feeling of deep depression. I am trying to sort out my own perspective. There are so many responses....
Integrating Funders Into a Multisector Transit-Equity Collaborative
In the November 2016 the Foundation Review featured a number of articles from key players in Colorado's philanthropic landscape, including the funder collaborative of Mile High Connects. Integrating Funders Into a Multisector Transit-Equity Collaborative examines the...
FirstBank: Investing in Affordable Housing, Good Jobs, & Public Transit
FirstBank has been a member of Mile High Connects since 2012. The Bank’s core values align with Mile High Connects priority areas: increasing access to housing choices, good jobs, and essential public transit. FirstBank supports affordable housing, both financially...
MHC Updates
Affordable Housing & Community Facilities Know an Organization or Business in Need of Space? According to the 2015 Nonprofit Space Survey Final Report, published in June, many nonprofit and for-profit community-benefiting organizations and small businesses in the...