The First Regular Session of Colorado’s 75th General Assembly has begun! We’ll be updating this page as well as CCLP’s bill positions on our 2025 bill tracker in the blue box below. Watch the video of our 2025 Legislative Preview (jointly hosted both online and in-person by CCLP, Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, and the Bell Policy Center) from January 7th to learn more about what is in store for 2025’s legislative session.
CCLP’s priority platform for 2025
Our 2025 Legislative Priorities Platform identifies four policy areas where the opportunity exists to make real change, in partnership with other advocacy groups, community members, legislators, and state leaders.
Removing administrative burden
CCLP aims to reduce unnecessary hurdles that are so often a barrier for people who face poverty so that Coloradans can meet their basic needs and become self-sufficient.
Building worker and community power
CCLP supports building community power by amplifying Coloradans’ voices in the workplace and civic life.
Advocating for progressive tax and budget policy
CCLP supports progressive tax and budget policies that allow for investment in public programs and critical infrastructure.
Improving health system accountability
CCLP aims to keep health care industry accountable, ensuring they provide Coloradans with the care and coverage they need, and honoring their commitment to the public good.
CCLP’s bills for 2025
Stay tuned as our priority bills are introduced in the Colorado House and Senate!
SB25-005: Worker Protection Collective Bargaining
Under current law, workers in Colorado must win two elections to form a strong union, a barrier not faced in any other state. The first is a simple majority for union recognition, in alignment with federal law. Colorado is the only state that requires a second supermajority vote for workers who want to negotiate “union security,” which means all workers benefiting from contract bargaining and ongoing representation pay their share of representation fees – but does not require union membership. Even if Colorado workers win the second election, there is no guarantee they’ll win union security, only that it can be on the agenda for negotiation talks.
Holding a second election subjects workers to a second round of bullying and intimidation, making it even more difficult to negotiate for better pay and safer worksites. SB25-005, Worker Protection Collective Bargaining, removes the requirement to hold a second election entirely, bringing Colorado’s labor laws in-line with other states’ laws as well as the federal process set out by the National Labor Relations Act of 1935.
The Labor Peace Act flow chart for the Colorado union recognition process under current law for the private sector.
CCLP proudly SUPPORTS SB25-005 and the worker protections it advances.
SB25-008: Strengthening the Necessary Documents Program
The Necessary Documents Program was made permanent by Senate Bill 21-018 and is currently funded at $300,000 per year from the Colorado’s General Fund. The current funding falls short of meeting the true need. Social service providers routinely run out of vouchers to distribute to clients in need, and in some cases spend thousands covering the costs out of pocket. The program also poses administrative challenges, including the complicated program structure, delayed voucher transfers, and rigid identity verification standards. Additionally, vouchers are time-limited, remaining valid for only 30 days after distribution to a client, making the utilization rate extremely low, at roughly 30%.
Senate Bill 25-008, sponsored by Senator Cathy Kipp and Representative Meg Froelich, would eliminate the need for physical vouchers, allowing eligible individuals to access ID documents directly at the point of service. Learn more on the SB25-008 Fact Sheet (pdf, updated January 9.)
CCLP proudly SUPPORTS strengthening Colorado’s Necessary Documents Program.
Increasing Language Access in State Departments (more details coming soon!)
More than 300,000 Coloradans have limited English proficiency, representing 5% of the state’s population. Access to government information in one’s preferred language is critical to advancing equitable delivery of state programs and services.
The proposed bill will assess current language access practices across state departments and provide recommendations for a statewide language access policy.
CCLP's 2025 bill tracker
Stay up to date on CCLP’s bill positions.
Updated January 21, 2025.
2025 Legislative Preview
This year CCLP co-hosted our annual Legislative Preview event with our friends at Colorado Consumer Health Initiative and the Bell Policy Center, online and in-person at Colorado’s Health Capitol.
2025 Skills2Compete Workforce and Skills Legislation at the Capitol
Each year the Skills2Compete Colorado coalition takes positions on bills which focus on issues relating to skills training for adult Colorado workers.
Updated January 21, 2025.