Cultivando works in the Promotora Model across South Adams County to foster and support community-driven affordable housing advocacy and policy solutions. Cultivando Promotoras work to organize and train community members living in mobile home parks and vulnerable...
The Denver Foundation & Mile High Connects: Working to Advance Equitable Communities
In addition to being the fiscal and physical home of Mile High Connects, The Denver Foundation (TDF) is a strong partner in MHC’s efforts to ensure that the Denver region’s communities offer all residents the opportunity for a high quality of life. As a member of the...
MHC Updates
Affordable Housing & Community Facilities Affordable Housing Revenue Fund The City of Denver’s proposed Affordable Housing Revenue Fund has taken a major step forward. The proposal, estimated to provide $156 million in revenue over its first 10 years, passed...
Grantee Highlight – GES Right to Live Well
Preventing Resident Displacement in Globeville Elyria Swansea Why do we need to power map? Because residents are being involuntarily displaced from Globeville Elyria Swansea neighborhood daily, local schools are 10-25% down in enrollment, and many existing residents...
MHC Partner Highlight – Denver Regional Council of Governments
The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) is one of the nation’s oldest councils of governments and serves the region as a planning organization, technical assistance provider and forum for visionary local governments. Through a strong focus on regional...
Community Member Highlight – Douglas Howey, Colorado Cross Disability Coalition Advocate
In recent years, CCDC volunteer Douglas Howey has been the strength behind a lot of the CCDC transit advocacy. As a physics teacher who uses a wheelchair, he is uniquely equipped to engage in productive discussions about space on the buses and trains. Douglas was...
MHC Updates
Affordable Housing & Community Facilities Shared Spaces At Transit Hubs - How Transit Access And Shared Spaces Go Hand-In-Hand hosted by Denver Shared Spaces and Medici Communities Learn from the incredible collaborative work of DSS partner Mile High Connects on...
Grantee Highlight
With support from Mile High Connects, Growing Home is working with community members in the Blocks of Hope neighborhood to advocate for affordable housing and development. The project is focused in Southwest Adams County, a neighborhood which is already feeling the...
MHC Partner Highlight – Tri-County Health Department
Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) is the local public health agency for Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas counties providing a wide range of public health services to 1.4 million residents in the Denver Metropolitan region. TCHD promotes, protects and improves the...
Community Highlight
Westwood is a neighborhood in southwest Denver, SW of the corner of Federal & Alameda. The auto-oriented streets have narrow sidewalks and are poorly lit. Westwood Unidos organizes community members to help them achieve their priorities for a safer and healthier...