Yesterday a team of representatives from the Affordable Fares Task Force met with RTD staff and board members to discuss the fare increase recommendations and how RTD plans to build accommodations for affordability for low-income riders into their set of fare...
Articles by MHC
Mile High Connects Advisory Council
Welcome to all of our Advisory Council members! This group is comprised of thought leaders from a variety of disciplines from the Metro Denver region that will learn about different issues related to our work as well as provide input and strategic guidance on critical...
Denver NeighborhoodLIFT Program – Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo began the next phase of our Denver NeighborhoodLIFT program launched a year ago. In close collaboration with Denver Mayor Hancock and the Denver Office of Economic Development, we announced donations totaling $500,000 to help address Denver’s needs around...
Emerging Work in Westminster – FRESC: Good Jobs, Strong Communities
A new campaign is emerging in the Metro Region. In the city of Westminster, just a few miles from the heart of Denver, the ground game has begun. Neighborhood leaders and FRESC community organizers are hitting the streets with flyers and clipboards in hand to tackle...
Public Process and Affordable Fares: Getting Beyond Business As Usual
Whether people can afford bus and light rail fares is one of the most fundamental issues to whether a transit system really serves its public. If I were being really honest (and I am), I would share that it took Mile High Connects a couple of years to understand this...