The past 10 years have been ones of turmoil and contradiction for Colorado and its workers. The decade that began and ended with...
The economic impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Colorado
Since its inception more than 35 years ago, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has proven to be an essential piece of...
Annual Report 2008-2009
Joint letter from executive director and board president Change has been a dominant theme at CCLP and COFPI in recent years: the...
Presentation on The Cost of Care: Can Coloradans afford health care?
As the debate around health care reform evolves at the state and federal levels, there are three critical areas that policymakers must...
State of Working Colorado 2009
As Colorado heads into 2010 it seems that the worst of the recession is behind us. Very recently job losses have slowed and...
The Cost of Care
As the debate around health care reform evolves at the state and federal levels, there are three critical areas that...
State of Working Colorado 2008
As Colorado heads into a new year, there are troubling economic signs everywhere. Unemployment and poverty is up. Wages are stagnant....
Annual Report 2007
As CCLP moved through 2007, we were fortunate to grow as an agency, to work toward solving some of Colorado’s most pressing challenges, and to...
State of Working Colorado 2007
Colorado has a mixed story to tell about its five year recovery from the 2001 recession. After experiencing a deep recession in 2001,...
Annual Report 2006
As 2006 came to an end, it also brought new beginnings: a new Governor in Colorado, new members of the legislature, some new faces in our agency, and a renewed passion for the issues we care so deeply about. We often times focus on and get caught up in the compelling...