CCLP’s legislative watch for April 5, 2024
25th anniversary recap
Got health coverage? Connect with the exchange
Being part of a community, whether it’s Colorado as a whole, your farming community, Glenwood Springs or Denver’s Westwood neighborhood means that you give and you get. You give your labor, your taxes, your neighborly advice, your willingness to turn the music down,...
Trump’s latest action attacks health care and working Coloradans
Chaos causes sleepless nights, panic and financial ruin, and sometimes – when the issue involves international relations or health care – chaos kills. The decision announced yesterday by President Trump to end funding for cost-sharing reductions will engender chaos,...
The ‘skinny’ on the latest ACA repeal effort
When teenagers want to get away with something, they sneak out in the dark – to the football field after hours, the basement, the unlit corners. In that, they have something in common with Congressional leadership, though teenagers are more likely to have a few beers...