New Belgium Family Foundation Recently, MHC talked with Lucy Cantwell at the New Belgium Family Foundation, funding partner of MHC. Describe the NBFF's role in MHC. What do you see as your biggest contribution to MHC and its work? I would describe our role as...
Building Stations Areas that Build Community
Last week during the Building Station Areas that Build Community event, Denver Shared Spaces and Mile High Connects released a report looking at a handful of station areas in our prioritized geographies and the community benefits they may have to offer to the...
New Report Examines Efforts to Link Residents to Jobs at Three Local TOD Project Sites
In 2015 Mile High Connects focused much of its jobs-related work on exploring place-based community workforce development strategies. One of our projects, funded by a grant from JP Morgan Chase Foundation explored the linking of local residents with construction...
Report: Metro Denver Transit Station Evaluations
Graduate students from the University of Colorado at Denver's Masters of Urban and Regional Planning Program recently finalized a report on Metro Denver's transit area stations, which provides a comprehensive analysis of the stations. "This report evaluates the design...
Enterprise Community Partners – Creating Opportunity for Low-Income People Through Affordable Housing
The Denver region’s economy has been booming for many years, but a significant portion of the population is increasingly left behind. Across the seven county Denver metro region, there are over 175,000 low-income households experiencing housing insecurity: over 6,300...
New Belgium Family Foundation
The New Belgium Family Foundation funds regional efforts to increase bike and pedestrian infrastructure and make public transportation a viable option for everyone. We believe that these alternative transportation options help create healthier, happier communities and...
Preserving & Developing Transit Oriented Real Estate to Benefit All Residents – Urban Land Conservancy
Since 2003, the Urban Land Conservancy (ULC) has invested $60 million into metro Denver communities, creating real estate that benefits communities. As a founding member of Mile High Connects, ULC’s contribution has been significant through equitable transit oriented...