Press release: Governor Polis signs collateral consequences reform bill
Charity Navigator awards CCLP four-star ranking for the fourth consecutive year
News Release: CCLP & Hunger Free CO – Good news for Coloradans who need food stamps
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACTS: Bob Mook 303-573-5669, ext. 311 Ellie Agar 303-228-7973 DENVER (August 17, 2017) - More Coloradans who are facing difficult life circumstances and financial challenges will be able...
News Release: House Bill 1305 would give Coloradans a chance to compete in the workforce
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACT Bob Mook 303-573-5669, ext. 311 DENVER -- Hundreds of thousands of Coloradans whose opportunities are limited by past mistakes could see their job prospects improve under a bill being considered by Colorado...
News Release: State of Working Colorado Report reveals surprising wage and employment gaps in Colorado
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PDF version available here. MEDIA CONTACT: Bob Mook, 303-573-5669, ext. 311 Report reveals surprising wage and employment gaps in Colorado DENVER—First the good news: Colorado is doing fairly well across several job-related...
PRESS RELEASE: Vital Signs report reveals how race, place and income determine health in Colorado
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PDF version available here. MEDIA CONTACT: Bob Mook 303-573-5669, ext. 311 DENVER - Research consistently shows a direct correlation between income, race, where you live and your health. In general, health outcomes for...
News Release: Pathways Event serves food for thought on guaranteed income
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (PDF available here) MEDIA CONTACT: Bob Mook 303-573-5669, ext. 311 Event serves food for thought on guaranteed income With technology automating jobs once performed by humans, there is a growing concern that new jobs will not...
News Release: Human Services Gap Map features caseload and performance data for Colorado counties
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (PDF version available here.) MEDIA CONTACT: Bob Mook 303-573-5669, ext. 311 Mapping Colorado’s human services landscape Human service programs ensure that Colorado communities have the building blocks for a prosperous future,...
News Release: Former District Court Judge elected to CCLP Board
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (PDF version available here.) MEDIA CONTACT: Bob Mook,; 303-573-5669, ext. 311 Former District Court Judge elected to CCLP Board DENVER – Roxanne Bailin was elected to the Colorado Center on Law and Policy’s Board of Directors...