Last week during the Building Station Areas that Build Community event, Denver Shared Spaces and Mile High Connects released a report looking at a handful of station areas in our prioritized geographies and the community benefits they may have to offer to the...
Articles by MHC
An Open Letter: Looking Back, Looking Forward
To Our Community, In 2015, MHC was pleased to invest over $900,000 into our local nonprofit community through directed and responsive grantmaking. These funds supported organizations to engage residents, build capacity and advocate for affordable housing, bus stops...
New Report Examines Efforts to Link Residents to Jobs at Three Local TOD Project Sites
In 2015 Mile High Connects focused much of its jobs-related work on exploring place-based community workforce development strategies. One of our projects, funded by a grant from JP Morgan Chase Foundation explored the linking of local residents with construction...
Natural Resources Defense Council: Lessons from Atlanta on First and Last Mile Connections
By Logan Sand, Intern, Natural Resources Defense Council The existing and expanding transit system in the Denver region will only be successful if all residents can easily and safely access the station areas. Many of the RTD stations are lacking critical...
Healthy Places: Making Connections that Matter
Healthy Places: Designing an Active Colorado, an initiative of the Colorado Health Foundation, was engineered to increase physical activity in three communities including the southeast portion of Arvada, the city of Lamar and the Westwood neighborhood in southwest...