MHC Grant Fund We are excited to release our funding guidelines for the Equitable Initiatives in The Denver Region grant fund for 2016. The deadline for applications is June 1, 2016, 5:00 MT. We will offer two grant application workshops in 2016. Workshops are open to...
Articles by MHC
MHC Partner Highlight – The Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation’s vision is that Colorado will be the healthiest state in the nation. We work to improve the health and health care of Coloradoans by increasing access to quality health care and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices. To be successful in...
Grantee Highlight – Westwood Unidos
Westwood Unidos is a coalition of Westwood residents partnering with organizations to make Southwest Denver a healthier place. Westwood Unidos' unique approach trains resident leaders to advocate for equitable resources, to organize their neighbors, and to increase...
Community Member Highlight – Marcus Harris, Bayaud Enterprises
With every word that you are reading right now, your perception of me is changing. Look at my photo after every other sentence or so. Perception is a big deal. Captioned visual narratives are very powerful. We judge one another mercilessly based upon nothing more than...
Time for Sweeping Change
Last week, the city of Denver swept away problem of chronic homelessness by removing hundreds of homeless people from makeshift encampments throughout the city. The City claims that their decision was made because of the public safety issues these encampments create...