Bethany Pray provided testimony to the Joint Budget Committe on the looming federal cuts to Medicaid and its intersection with TABOR.
Recent articles
Commentary on recent presidential executive orders
Commentary on the recent presidential executive orders and an assessment of executive orders as they arise and their impact on Coloradans.
A letter to Senator Hickenlooper on current threats to Medicaid
A letter to Senator Hickenlooper focusing today on current threats to Medicaid and the impacts of those changes on Colorado specifically.
CCLP testifies in support of fair standards in mental health care
Andre Mansion provided testimony in support of House Bill 25-1002, Medical Necessity Determination Insurance Coverage. CCLP is in support of HB25-1002.

It is with enormous gratitude and appreciation for you and for our work together, that I am sharing my decision to step down as Executive Director of Colorado Center on Law and Policy. I have asked CCLP’s Board of Directors to have a successor in place by June 1, 2019.
After five years of leading CCLP, it is a good time for new leadership. I’m proud to say that the organization is strong, CCLP staff is respected as agents of change locally, statewide and nationally, and we have accomplished so much in partnership with you, our community of supporters.
During the past five years, CCLP has grown and taken on new issues. We are working on housing – both affordability and security, the challenges of becoming economically secure with a criminal record, mental health parity, immigrant access to health and many other challenges people face in an economy that does not always pay a fair wage for hard work. CCLP is poised to expand its advocacy on food security and consumer protections. We are doing in-depth research using sophisticated data analysis. We have been working together to understand the challenges of implicit bias and systemic racism, and to incorporate what we are learning into every aspect of our work and the organization. We are about to release new editions of three comprehensive reports that explain why so many Coloradans struggle to meet their basic needs even as unemployment falls to an all-time low. Basically, things are humming along and we are truly making a difference.
I know that as I pass the baton to a new leader, CCLP will continue to grow, evolve and serve communities in need. We are fortunate to have some of the most passionate, creative and energetic people I have ever had the privilege to work with. That won’t change after I bid farewell.
CCLP’s Board of Directors will soon begin searching for a new Executive Director. As CCLP has placed racial equity at the forefront of our work, I know the Board is committed to recruiting candidates with diverse experiences from diverse backgrounds. I will work to ensure that the transition smooth and successful.
In the meantime, we are all working hard! We will advance a challenging agenda during the next legislative session and continue our robust advocacy with state administrative agencies. We will work with the in-coming gubernatorial administration to see that economic and social justice is imbedded in all state services. As the 2019 legislative session draws to a close next May, I am confident that you will be as impressed as ever in what this small organization has accomplished.
To be absolutely clear, I am not retiring and I hope to continue advocating for the issues I am passionate about for many years to come.
The opportunity to lead this organization has offered me challenges and growth. I will always to grateful to the Board of Directors for entrusting me with the future of CCLP and to you, our friends and supporters, for aiding in my success.
With gratitude,
Claire Levy
Executive Director
Colorado Center on Law and Policy