CCLP awarded 2023 Spring Intercultural Champion by Spring Institute
PRESS RELEASE: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announces groundbreaking plan to protect Americans from the devastating effects of medical debt
25th anniversary recap
Colorado’s medical debt credit reporting law takes effect
CCLP at Federal CFPB Hearing: Medical debt is a solvable crisis
Thoughts on 2017 and the road ahead
Two-thousand-seventeen has been a rough year. The United States of America has had to reckon with some very ugly strains within our society, which became emboldened by the tone and the result of the 2016 presidential election. While Colorado Center on Law and Policy...
How and why Colorado must do better
Behind the headlines about Colorado’s prosperous economy lurks the vexing fact that little has changed for most Colorado workers -- particularly workers of color -- over the past seven years. According to Colorado Center on Law and Policy’s newly released 2017 State...