On the ground: From social work to healthcare advocacy
Systemic failure in Colorado’s PHE Unwind
A first look at the Medicaid unwind: August 2023
Public Health Emergency (PHE) Unwind
WHAT'S HAPPENING?During the Public Health Emergency (PHE) for COVID-19, state Medicaid programs could not terminate anyone enrolled in benefits due to a provision in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) that ensured continuous coverage throughout the...
CCLP’s comment on ending the exclusion of DACA recipients from Medicaid and CHIP
A win for Medicaid recipients in Talevski
May Letter from Bethany Pray, Interim Executive Director
The anti-poverty movement involves hundreds of organizations that, like CCLP, take the fight to the state. Operating at the state level is an absolute necessity because many of the core laws and policies that affect access to health, housing, income, and food are...
Private Duty Nursing: One Family’s Story
When we think about complicated health insurance programs like Medicaid, it’s easy to miss the stories of the individual people and families who receive these benefits. A few months ago, one remarkable mother shared her family’s story in a public hearing to the...
Unwinding Continuous Coverage
Since March 2020, Coloradans enrolled in Medicaid and Child Health Plus (CHP+) have been able to maintain their health coverage. This policy has meant fewer gaps in care, less paperwork, and more peace of mind. States kept people enrolled in exchange for the...