An urban planner’s “primary obligation is to serve the public interest.” The planner’s code of ethics states planners must be conscious of individual rights; concerned about the long-range consequences of present actions; understand the interrelatedness of decisions;...
MHC Updates
Regional Call to Action Brings Community Together Around Gentrification and Displacement On April 19th nearly 200 participants came together, unified by a common concern about the lack of affordability in Denver and ready to delve into ways to work together to stem...
MHC Partner Highlight – Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente’s mission is to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve. Our work is driven by our conviction that good health is a fundamental right shared by all and by our...
Grantee Highlight – PlaceMatters
At 63rd and Federal Boulevard, just behind Rocky’s Auto, over 400 residents live in an affordable housing community that is not subsidized by taxpayers and provides a stable housing option for families. Changes are already affecting the residents of Pioneer Village...
Community Member Highlight – Yolanda McCloud
Yolanda McCloud is a member of 9to5 who is working closely on the Renter’s Rights campaign. She currently lives with her husband and three children in Aurora. On April 19th, Yolanda courageously shared her story about her struggles with finding housing with other...
Mile High Connects 2016 Advisory Council
Welcome to all of our Advisory Council members! This group is comprised of thought leaders from a variety of disciplines from the Metro Denver region that will learn about different issues related to our work as well as provide input and strategic guidance on critical...
Making the Transportation Connection – Gates Family Foundation
The Gates Family Foundation (GFF) has been a supporter and steering committee member of Mile High Connects since 2011 through the Foundation’s Smarter, Greener, Healthier Urbanism program. GFF has also supported parallel efforts to address transportation access issues...
MHC Updates
MHC Grant Fund We are excited to release our funding guidelines for the Equitable Initiatives in The Denver Region grant fund for 2016. The deadline for applications is June 1, 2016, 5:00 MT. We will offer two grant application workshops in 2016. Workshops are open to...
MHC Partner Highlight – The Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation’s vision is that Colorado will be the healthiest state in the nation. We work to improve the health and health care of Coloradoans by increasing access to quality health care and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices. To be successful in...
Grantee Highlight – Westwood Unidos
Westwood Unidos is a coalition of Westwood residents partnering with organizations to make Southwest Denver a healthier place. Westwood Unidos' unique approach trains resident leaders to advocate for equitable resources, to organize their neighbors, and to increase...