Recent articles
Facility Fees Place Coloradans at Risk
On Friday, March 23, 2023, Julia Char Gilbert, CCLP's Connelly Policy Advocate, provided testimony to the House Health & Insurance Committee for House Bill 23-1215, Limits on Hospital Facility Fees. CCLP is in support of HB23-1215. Dear Madame Chair, Mr....
Pro-Tenant Bills in the 2023 Legislative Session, Part 2
This is the second of two articles related to the Pro-Tenant Bills in the 2023 Legislative Session. To read Part 1, please click here. Rent Stabilization These protections on their own cannot fully protect renters from being displaced when their rent increases...
CCLP’s Public Comment on Mental Health Parity for Colorado Medicaid
Earlier this month, Bethany Pray, Interim Executive Director of Colorado Center on Law and Policy, provided the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) with a public comment regarding mental health parity for Colorado Medicaid. Individuals...
A Summary of Pro-Tenant Bills in the 2023 Legislative Session, Part 1
Protections for renters are important for Colorado. Pro-tenant policies lead to greater housing stability, particularly for our lowest income households. They also can help prevent displacement and the process of gentrification – changing the character of a...
Recent posts
Q&A: CCLP Attorney Allison Neswood
Families USA's Coverage Health Advocate of the Year
NEWS RELEASE: CCLP to Serve as Fiscal Sponsor for Mile High Connects
Joining forces to build a more equitable Colorado
MLK’s Dream Lives On
“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” – Martin Luther King Jr. It may feel like there are few things we can agree on as...
NEWS RELEASE: Report reveals disparities before and after COVID-19
DENVER— Economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic have made the disparities along racial and geographic lines even more apparent, according to a new report released by Colorado Center on Law and Policy today. Published by CCLP, the 2020...
Advocates and Leaders Discuss Transit’s Role in Economic Recovery
Mile High Connects and Denver Streets Partnership hosted Transit is the Future: Denver Transit Justice Forum, a panel discussion with elected officials and area leaders on the importance of public transit as a critical piece in...
CCLP’s thoughts on Colorado’s special legislative session regarding COVID-19
Too many Coloradans are hurting directly and profoundly because of the pandemic. With federal relief expiring, evictions loom around the corner and food bank lines grow longer. Meanwhile, workers in many sectors might not see their jobs...
Making Change With Community
Mile High Connects' executive director joined Power Station with Anne Pasmanick, a national podcast, to highlight the work of our Collaborative. From our early days promoting transit oriented development to our work advocating for an...
NEWS ALERT: ‘Communities Against Poverty’ virtual event sheds light on equity issues
As the economic fallout from the COVID-19 crisis continues to reveal widening racial and social disparities in our state, Colorado Center on Law and Policy will host a virtual event to recognize Coloradans who are making a difference in...
Give Medicaid clients the process they are due
Health First Colorado, the state’s Medicaid program, is critical to the health and well-being of the over 1.4 million Coloradans who qualify based on income or disability. Unfortunately, getting enrolled and staying enrolled in the...
Connect to…Your Ballot
As the smoke from our state's wildfires reaches the Denver metro region & with COVID-19 cases on the rise, understanding what's on the ballot and how it impacts our ability to create and maintain safe, healthy homes is more critical...