SB23-007 Will Provide Much-Needed Resources to Colorado’s Adult Education Providers
Educational attainment is increasingly becoming a necessity for employment in a good, well-paying job here in Colorado. The Colorado Workforce Development Council’s Talent Pipeline Report for 2022 found that among Colorado’s top jobs that year,[i] 91.4% of tier 1 top...
Reclaiming Our Future – This is Our Moment
From our November 2021 Newsletter A Word, First: Welcome to budget season! We’ve seen a flurry of media coverage on investments in our communities. The bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is an important investment in public transit and infrastructure improvements that...
Mile High Connects Awarded $1 Million From National SPARCC Initiative
DENVER, February 15, 2017 Mile High Connects today announced that Denver was selected to join the Strong, Prosperous, And Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC). SPARCC is a three-year, $90 million initiative that will bolster local groups and leaders in their...
Moving Forward
On November 9th, I awoke and did not want to get out of bed. To be honest, with several weeks passing, I am only now beginning to be able to process the news without a feeling of deep depression. I am trying to sort out my own perspective. There are so many responses....
The Denver Foundation & Mile High Connects: Working to Advance Equitable Communities
In addition to being the fiscal and physical home of Mile High Connects, The Denver Foundation (TDF) is a strong partner in MHC’s efforts to ensure that the Denver region’s communities offer all residents the opportunity for a high quality of life. As a member of the...
MHC Updates
Affordable Housing & Community Facilities Shared Spaces At Transit Hubs - How Transit Access And Shared Spaces Go Hand-In-Hand hosted by Denver Shared Spaces and Medici Communities Learn from the incredible collaborative work of DSS partner Mile High Connects on...
A Regional Call to Action on Gentrification & Displacement
In the Denver Metro Region, gentrification and displacement are becoming critical issues. With investment in development of our urban core, along transit lines and in other areas of opportunity, skyrocketing rents, rising property taxes and cultural disruption of...
MHC Partner Highlight – The Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation’s vision is that Colorado will be the healthiest state in the nation. We work to improve the health and health care of Coloradoans by increasing access to quality health care and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices. To be successful in...
Community Member Highlight – Marcus Harris, Bayaud Enterprises
With every word that you are reading right now, your perception of me is changing. Look at my photo after every other sentence or so. Perception is a big deal. Captioned visual narratives are very powerful. We judge one another mercilessly based upon nothing more than...