A letter to Senator Hickenlooper on current threats to Medicaid
CCLP testifies in support of Necessary Document Program updates
CCLP testifies in support of an Equal Justice Fund
Student-built app to assist Coloradans appeal SNAP overpayment decisions
The Importance of Funding SNAP E&T
In the United States, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides assistance to individuals and households experiencing food insecurity. An additional component of SNAP includes the option for eligible participants to pursue employment and training...
Unwinding Continuous Coverage
Since March 2020, Coloradans enrolled in Medicaid and Child Health Plus (CHP+) have been able to maintain their health coverage. This policy has meant fewer gaps in care, less paperwork, and more peace of mind. States kept people enrolled in exchange for the...
2023 Legislative Preview Event Recap
Colorado’s Legislative Session came early this year, and CCLP was ready for it! Right on the heels of the holidays CCLP hosted our 2023 Legislative Preview on January 4th. CCLP staff presented some of our legislative priorities for the antipoverty movement. Interim...